Friday, August 28, 2009

shine on

so today was one of those days u just have to admit that you're happy it's over. short version- spent the morning sick, was almost late to work, got in a fight with someone i've been trying to be friends with, said person lied to my boss, work dragged on for the entire ten hour day, was almost out the door and bumped my knee... so why is my tired cranky self not in bed already??? basically because i need to thank the universe for the few good things that happened...

I am greatful that I had chinese for lunch, my boyfriend came and visited me twice (double thanks for extra kisses), i did survive work and even managed to snag an extra couple hours for tomorrow, i no longer have to deal with a fake friend(plus got reminded who the real ones are) and of course the whole reason for this post my daily friendly reminder from the universe:

Bright lights draw the most shadows but they still shine. A long time customer of mine seeing my apparent distress had this to say about the situation- i don't know what they did to hurt u or upset u but if i was a ship lost at sea your smile and kind words would still be my lighthouse showing me the way. This customer has no idea how deeply those words affect me. Not only do i have a tattoo going most the length of my back of a lighthouse(it's supposed to remind me to shine) but I also take very seriously my call to be a light and to help others in this world. The universe sent this person to me not to cancel out what had happened earlier but to remind me that I was still me, still strong, and obviously while hurt still able to shine and help another person.

I started looking at this potentially bad situation as the blessing it was... an out from a situation that has been causing me stress in both my personal and my work life. I was not stupid for trying to show compassion or to develope friendships with new and interesting people. I was not allowing myself to be walked on and lied to and used any further by this person. I was also still my loving self and not only do people recognize it but they return the favor and for the most part act lovingly in return. This person who had hurt me was not the rule of life, but the exception to it. Hurt causes hurt but truth always finds the light. I am not just one light shining in a dark room but part of many lights slowly pushing away thedarkness of the world.

You too are a light. Even on the days you don't want to be or can't see possibly how or why. You choose what u put out to the world. And while some others may try to bring u down to their level of hurt and neglect, love holds u strongly in place so that u can be the light on a dark sea showing a lost someone the way back home.

I do know how the universe loves you, me, even the person who hurt me today. So I call to all of you, my fellow lights to continue to shine on. To allow yourself your emotions but to always also remember that at the core of each of us is someone who is lost needing love. Today it was me, tomorrow it might be you. But if we continue on in love, shining brightly maybe just maybe we can change the human condition so that no-one is left lost at sea...

Wednesday, August 19, 2009

unfinished projects

I laugh at myself as I go to once again hit the save as draft button. So many started things piling up in the to finish later bin that I'm wondering if i even finish anything at all. And like anyone else in this predicament, I start to get frustrated and stressed out...

Now however I'm reminded that it takes the average person 8 times to finally kick the habit, no author has ever had it perfect on the first draft, and that this silly thing we call life is trial and error. So I'm not as stressed when i take that puff instead of putting the cigarette out early... hey only three today :) But I'm also taking it a little easier on myself. Putting things in some sort of priority and maybe even a tiny bit of perspective.

I know this isn't my usual awe inspiring revelation but hey I'm writing again just by making a little bit more time and putting a little bit less stress on myself... Think about and then finish something you've started or just start sorting out the project bin. U might learn something new about yourself...