Wednesday, August 19, 2009

unfinished projects

I laugh at myself as I go to once again hit the save as draft button. So many started things piling up in the to finish later bin that I'm wondering if i even finish anything at all. And like anyone else in this predicament, I start to get frustrated and stressed out...

Now however I'm reminded that it takes the average person 8 times to finally kick the habit, no author has ever had it perfect on the first draft, and that this silly thing we call life is trial and error. So I'm not as stressed when i take that puff instead of putting the cigarette out early... hey only three today :) But I'm also taking it a little easier on myself. Putting things in some sort of priority and maybe even a tiny bit of perspective.

I know this isn't my usual awe inspiring revelation but hey I'm writing again just by making a little bit more time and putting a little bit less stress on myself... Think about and then finish something you've started or just start sorting out the project bin. U might learn something new about yourself...

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