Wednesday, April 9, 2008

Benefit of Religion

So I have a feeling this is one of those posts I might get into trouble for... That being said, I still feel the need to share this...

My mother is the type of woman who reminds me that we need fulfilment in our daily lives. She is always doing something to make the most out of her clear moments. Truly an inspiration to me even on the days I feel she is a pain in my ass. She is a kind woman, an i don't care what they think woman, an all around blast to be around. However as amazing as she is, she is also the kind of woman who just can't seem to pick the right guy. Several of her past relationships seem to end in this amazing sense of emptyness and it's obvious she needs something to sooth this part of her that calls out love me.

This morning after several days of depression (sorry to put your business out there but this is vital to my point momma) this woman blares some praise and worship. She is slightly less agitated than I've seen her. Truly healling music.

A couple different songs in particular had several lines that keyed me into this starling revelation I may have been ignoring previously. My mother believes in a religion where God is a loving creature with this amazing power to heal these pains in her heart. "How amazing is your love?" The power to fulfill her need to be loved unfaillingly. ""

These songs were singing not only to this amazing being but the part in her that needed to believe in this being. Now I am not particularly religious but I do believe in God. These "theories" as they are labeled by people who are not religious or spiritual are simply amazing paths to feeling more at peace. What does it matter what name you give this being? If we saw religion as the benefitial thing it is, could we condemn any religion that starts the belief in something outside of yourself, a deeper sense of oneness with the universe at large? How can that be bad? I saw the benefits of this today.

Now understand i'm not talking about any religion that calls on sacrificing children or killing ones self but I just can't for the life of me see why we can't just view religion as something slightly simpler and good. even if it isn't our exact view point...


Phyl said...

ok...blogger is burping or something...cos I did comment on this fact I posted about it here:

Mike Golch said...

you go girl,we think a like at times especially when you stated theis may get me in trouble, that being said.I start some of my blogs the same way.I try to tell it like I see it and if you don't like it OH WELL!You are going into the blog roll of honor.