Friday, April 4, 2008

Right versus Wrong

Some people wonder how to tell if what they are doing is right? Now there are others who question how someone could have such conflicting morals... To clear the air here are my suggestions...

How do i know if what I'm doing is wrong? Well... you're lying about it. 'Nough said.


Phyl said...

xP~~ that is ME giving YOU the raspberries...

Nicole said...


I also wanted to leave a comment on the "guilt free blogging" post, but I didn't see a link, so here it is.

This is SO EXACTLY what I was thinking for the past two days. My daughters and I have started eating almost all raw food, for health(y) reasons, and it's brought out the emotional ties to eating in a big way...especially for me. So yesterday I told them that I didn't want anyone to say they were "bad" or that they "cheated" if they ate something that was cooked, even if it had one of the taboo ingredients in it: wheat, sugar, milk. To make this end quickly, I didn't want anyone to feel GUILT about eating. It's just not good to constantly flog oneself for not maintaining some ideal of perfection. So, amen!

Oh, your wonderful mom sent me over. Glad to read your thoughts! =)