Tuesday, February 26, 2008

Like God

"Treat everyone you meet like God in disguise." Rev Run

This quote instantly made me think of "what if God was one of us". This just brings to light the idea of treating people how you want to be treated. Another good example is "Beauty and the Beast" where he gets transformed by the witch for treating her poorly. Back to the original quote though...

If "God"(or whatever you call the universal powers that be) is this being we ultimately respect and love, then treating strangers that way can't end too badly. What about the people we are around every day though? In my life there are several people I just cannot stand to be around. Their gaping wounds just too big for my love to heal or my patience to tolerate. And yet every few days, there they are in my living room chatting away. I've tried not talking, I've even left a few times but still these people return.

So I'm instituting "Like God". This is basically an upgrade on seeing everyone as a mirror. With this proccess, you show respect and act as much through love as is possible because the goal is to treat and see people as if they are "God" in disguise. I challenge you to try it for a few days and see how it changes your life. The basic principle is to treat others better than you want to be treated.

Wish me luck!!!

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